Well, you might call me a Gentleman of Undiscovered Talent.
I am a spinner of yarns … a presenter of tales … a raconteur … a fabulist … a storyteller!
In the spring, I perform quality control on the budding trees, ensuring that each individual specimen has been assigned the correct form of leaf. And of course, every fall I stand guard against the devious machinations of The Guy in Charge of Winter, who always endeavors to shake loose the first flurry of snowflakes well before their time.
Because of these duties, I spend a lot of my time out on Wild Side — those uncivilized regions out beyond the far edge of town. Wild Side is where the best stories can be found (you’ll find heaps of examples in my book The Legend of Pedestrio).
When I do come Town Side, you might find me swapping yarns down at Elmer’s Cafe, or tramping along the road on my way to Thenceforth, or Whichiwat, or the town beyond that. Some of my previous travels have been documented in my blog Hitherin Yawn.
Anyway, thanks for stopping. You got another minute? Let me tell you one last tale before you go …