Tall Tales & Shaggy Dogs is a soundcast featuring original short humor, nonsense verse, and the occasional oh-my-he’s-not-going-to-sing-is-he?
Yes. Yes I am going to sing. But the songs are fun, and they don’t last long.
Tall Tales & Shaggy Dogs is a “clean” soundcast, appropriate for all ages. Whether you’re looking for a good old Wild Side adventure or a scientific critique of my friend Jimmy Fingerbutton’s latest invention, you’ll find it all here. Enjoy!

Storyteller Abner Serd specializes in short humor with a twist. His stories often pull the listener out of the normal sphere of reality and into a surrealistic landscape populated with eccentric characters who nonchalantly redefine common sense. Think of these stories as comic strips for the ears: short, weekly doses of whimsy. What yarns will Abner spin today? As Jimmy Fingerbutton the inventor once put it, “the world is full of things nobody ever thought of before.”
This is an all-ages podcast – there’s a little something for everybody. In 2016, the podcast switched from a daily to a weekly release schedule, with a new story appearing each Wednesday.
Hi folks! This is our final episode before taking an extended leave of absence. Thank you for listening! We will be back with more poems, songs, and short humor at a later date. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this bit of nonsense verse set to music: “Well, it was nine o’clock at midnight in the early afternoon / And I was picking all the daisies in the meadow on the moon …”