Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 2: Arlington to Westford

No, wait! Come back! I can make it spin!

Cooler today. I thought the clouds might break up as the morning advanced, but they crowded the sky all day. Rain was in the air, though I never felt more than a few scattered drops here and there. I keep hoping some giant in charge of cloud-wringing gets ahold of them overnight and wrings them all dry, and tomorrow we go back to warm, sunny days — but I ain’t holding my breath.

I took the hike & bike trail from Arlington to Lexington. The trail continued on and I could have stayed on it for at least 5 or 6 more miles, but I had a notion to dip down to Walden Pond to pay my respects to Henry David Thoreau. Didn’t stay long. Didn’t even get as far as the Visitors Center. Just said a quick hello to the woods, the pond, and the site where his cabin used to be.

Henry David Thoreau gave me a lot to think about back when I first started wandering. It would have been nice to spend the whole day at Walden. But a lot of what he meant to me, I carried around with me till it became a part of me. Just a brief glimpse of his old squatting ground was enough to bring most of it back. Besides, the crabby lady with the trekking poles wanted to complain about people who leave small piles of rocks at historic sites (I don’t know what she was on about, either. But she seemed to think it was all my fault, even though I hadn’t touched a single rock, much less made any piles). Anyway, I reckoned I’d leave her to enjoy her visit, or not, in whatever manner she wished.

The day was cool enough that I ordered the jambalaya at the Colonial Inn in Concord. It was the only time I sat down all day. The soles of my feet are still protesting.

Fiddleheads and skunk cabbage. Must be spring.

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