Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 4: Townsend, MA to Fitzwilliam, NH

New Hampshire state line

Today was an awesome day, despite (or because of) the rain. It started when I woke up at first light and found out it hadn’t started raining yet. That was good news: it meant I could walk all day in a misty, drizzling fog, but at least my sleeping bag would stay dry. I packed up in the semi-darkness and hit the road a few mins after 5 am.

About an hour later, a police officer in Ashby, MA stopped & called me over. I automatically pulled my wallet out, but he didn’t want to see my ID. He wanted to know what I was doing.

So I told him. I said “I’m walking across North America to promote my novel The Legend of Pedestrio.” And since I already had my wallet out, I gave him one of my business cards.

He asked if he could keep it. He asked if I wanted a ride. He asked if I needed water. He was genuinely interested & said he’d be following my progress. I got a kick of energy from the whole encounter that carried me 6 or 7 miles.

And that’s been the way of it, all day long. I got a solid 90 mins of hiking in before the rain started. The temperature was cool and there was no wind, so my poncho kept me warm & reasonably dry without getting blown hitherin yawn by nasty swirling gusts. I had a nice, wide shoulder to walk on most of the day, so I didn’t have to worry about the wall of rainwater that streams off the sides of trucks.

I didn’t spin a single yarn, but I told the tale of what I was doing five or six times, & gave out as many cards. People seemed interested. One barista at a coffee bar in Rindge said she saw me as she was driving in that morning, and gave me an extra large piece of cinnamon bun. A young dad riding herd on a couple of mischievous toddlers asked me where I was going and said he had a backpack the same brand as mine. The woman who served me lunch told me about the hike she had planned for August through New Hampshire’s Presidential Range.

I walked on clouds all day long, and probably overdid it. I covered about 25 miles in the rain, in wet shoes, and got blisters on both feet for the first time in decades.

I’m glad it’s a short day into Winchester tomorrow, and a short day into Brattleboro the day after that. My first scheduled day off is in Brattleboro this Saturday.

My feet are looking forward to that.

Using my poncho as a tarp

4 responses to “Day 4: Townsend, MA to Fitzwilliam, NH”

  1. Karen Avatar

    Rain must make the days and nights very challenging. I look forward to your posts each day, following your Journey!

    1. abner Avatar

      Thanks for following along!

  2. PAMELA Avatar

    Enjoy your posts! Travel safe and savor the moments!

    1. abner Avatar

      Thanks Pam!

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