Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 50: Idlewild to Branch Township, MI

Folks, as we hit 50 days and come near the 1,000-mile mark of this journey, let’s take a moment to remember the reason we’re here: this is not just any old cross-country hike. It’s a most unusual book tour for a most unusual book.

The Legend of Pedestrio is a comic wilderness adventure — part campfire tale, part fantasy, part old-fashioned mythic storytelling. You should read it, if you haven’t already. Even if it’s not your type of tale, I bet you know someone who’ll love it.

This walking/storytelling/book tour is the ultimate word-of-mouth campaign: I aim to tell the story of The Legend of Pedestrio one person at a time, if I have to. But I could really use your help. You have it in your power to get the word out to far more people than I could ever reach on my own. I’ll explain how in today’s vlog.

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