Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 70: Morristown to Madison Lake, MN

I spoke too soon.

Just when I thought the mosquitoes were beginning to wind up their affairs and pack it in for the season, they launched a sneak attack. Again, not in large numbers, but enough to raise welts all over my arms and legs.

The attack came in a state forest — lots of shady trees and standing water. I should have stopped right then and slapped on some bug repellent, but I was thinking about breakfast. I hate sitting in a cafe smelling like DEET. So I tried to keep going, and paid the price.

After breakfast, they regrouped. This time I didn’t hesitate. I drenched myself in bug spray, though it cost me a chance to pick blackberries with clean hands. So it goes …

My book The Legend of Pedestrio got a great review from the Midwest Book Review. I’ll tell you about it in today’s vlog. For ordering information, see  https://abnerserd.com/books.html

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